Department of English Literature

One of the many strengths of the department is the Bridge Course, which has one credit in the Curriculum. It is offered to all the UG students with the intention of helping them gain proficiency in English and express themselves fluently.

The Department of English Language and Literature conducts seminar every year in order to expose the learners to the field of literature. The themes of the conferences are based on the socio cultural impacts in the rural and global arena. The main objective of the conference is to enlighten the young minds of the students. The research scholars and faculty members from other institutions also attend and get benefited by the conferences. The papers presented by the students, faculty and the research scholars in the conferences are published in reputed journals every year.

The department has come out with many healthy and creative practices to enhance the communicative skills of the students. As such, BELL Association trained the students to improve their communicative ability in 2014.

The Department of English Language and Literature conducts the Theater Fest program every year to tap the theatrical skills of the students. It is an intra-collegiate competition in which students enact plays. Prior to the event, a workshop will be conducted to train the students in theatrical skills. The Department conducts English drama competition every academic year in order to give the students a taste of participatory and experiential learning. Thus, the department offers an all-round training in intellectual, cultural, social, emotional, physical, aesthetic, moral theatrical and spiritual aspects.

Seshat, the English Literary Association, conducted an Inter-Collegiate Literary Competitions in 2016-2017. In 2018, a workshop specially meant for the girl students was conducted on Montessori Teaching Jobs.

An Inter-Departmental public speaking forum conducted once in fortnight to enhance the communicative skills of the students.

Students' Online Magazine published every semester

To improve the vocabulary power of the students, a novel venture, namely, 'A Word A Week', the display of a word on the notice board with meaning, along with Phonetic Transcription and usage of it in sentence, was inaugurated in 2019-2020.

The department offers an opportunity to upgrade the members of the Faculty and PG students of the department with knowledge by forming Readers’ Club during the Academic Year 2019-2020. The faculty members and the students present the review of books once in every semester. Oratorium, an inter-departmental Speaking Skill Initiative in order to communicate with ease. In 2016, the inter-departmental public-speaking forum was inaugurated to enhance student's speaking skill in English.

The Department of English Language and Literature conducted a One Day National Level Seminar on Representation of Leadership in Literature on 18.03.2015. Rev. Dr. Xavier Vedam, SJ, the Principal appreciated the department for its maiden attempt. Rev. Dr. K. Amal, SJ., the Rector offered felicitation, Rev. Dr. Antony Pappuraj, SJ., the Secretary blessed the faculty members and the participants for their active participation. Dr. I. Devanan, the Deputy Principal, motivated the members to conduct a seminar of this kind every academic year to enlarge the horizon of knowledge of the teaching fraternity. Dr. B. Tirupati Rao, Professor and Head, Department of English and Communications, Dravidian University, Srinivasa Vanam, Kuppam delivered the Key Note address. Around 40 research papers were presented by the faculty members of various institutions from Tamil Nadu and also from other states. The selected papers were published in Roots, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches: A Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Quarterly Journal in its Special Issue in April 2015.

The Annual Theatre Fest was conducted on 28.08.2014 in the Indoor Stadium to offer the students of all the Self-Financed Programmes to exhibit their theatrical skills on the stage. Rev. Dr. Xavier Vedam, SJ, the Principal delivered the Presidential address. Rev. Dr. K. Amal, SJ., the Rector offered his blessings, Rev. Dr. Antony Pappuraj, SJ., the Secretary appreciated the department for its futuristic initiative. Mr. S. Jesurajan, Associate Professor of English (Shift-I), Arul Anandar College, Karumathur, welcomed the gathering. Dr. B. Balasubramaniam, Associate Professor of English, Cardamom Plant Memorial College, Bodi, Tamil Nadu served as the jury.

During the Academic Year 2015–2016, the Department of English Language and Literature conducted activities for the welfare of the students. A One Day National Seminar on “Socio-Cultural Impacts in Literature” conducted on 02nd March, 2016 at Arul Anandar College (Autonomous), Karumathur, Madurai District. The students participated in the seminar and learnt new trends in literature. The participants from other institutions and also from Arul Anandar College, Karumathur presented their research papers on the following themes: caste, race and religious discriminations; identity crisis in terms of race, gender and cultural identities, caste, cultural, religious and ethnic conflicts, and religious fanaticism, eco-criticism. Thirty-nine papers were presented and they were edited as a book by Mr. P. Veerasamy, the Head of the Department.

The activities of the English Literary Association enabled the students to take part in literary activities in the intra and inter collegiate level in order to learn, enjoy and cherish the aesthetic taste of English Literature. The Association Activities helped them to mould the students to plan out their further studies. SESHAT, is an Inter-Collegiate Level Competition, was conducted. Many colleges in and around Madurai participated in it and received prizes. One quiz competition was conducted on the Age of Shakespeare by Mr. Lakshmanan, Assistant Professor of English.

The Department of English Language and Literature organized a One-Day National Seminar on Literature of the Exiles: Cultural Depletion and Cultural Mix 13 March 2017. Mr. S. Aloysius Albert, Head, welcomed the gathering. Rev. Dr. K. Amal, SJ., the Rector, Rev. Dr. M. Albert William, SJ., the Secretary offered felicitation. The Presidential address was delivered by Rev. Dr. S. Basil Xavier, SJ., the Principal. Dr. P. Kannan, Professor and Chairman, Department of PG Studies and Reaserch in English, Karnataka State Women’s University, Vijaypur, Karnataka, delivered the Key Note Address. Dr. S. Samuel Rufus, Associate Professor of English, Madras Christian College, Chennai, gave a plenary address on the topic, The Aura of Liminal Space in Contemporary Exilic Literature. Dr. V. Christopher Ramesh, Assistant Professor of English, Govt. Arts College, Melur, Madurai delivered the another plenary speech on Diaspora Literature: The Spatial, Temporal, Spiritual and Aesthetic Dimensions of Life in Exile. Dr. S. Jesurajan, Associate Professor and Head, Arul Anandar College (Autonomous), Karumathur, was the resource person for the third plenary session. He spoke on Eclectic and Diverse Cultural Identities of the Exiles. Dr. I. Devanan, the Deputy Principal, delivered the valedictory address.

The English Literary Association organized a guest lecture to the I BA English students on 04.08.2016 (Thursday) at M. T. Hall. Mr. S. Jesurajan, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English (Shift – I), Arul Anandar College delivered a lecture on “Enrich Literature for Life.” A guest lecture on “History and Moral Values in Literature” was organized for the I BA English students on 16.08.2016 (Tuesday) at M. T. Hall. Dr. S. John Bosco, Assistant Professor of English, St. Joshep’s College, Trichy, was the resource person. Dr. M. Elangovan, Associate Professor of English, Thiagarajar College, Madurai delivered a lecture on “Shakespeare and New Historicism” for the III BA English students on 09.01.2017 at M. T. Hall.

The Department conducted a workshop on Theatre Skills Workshop to train the students who participate in the annual Theatre Fest conducted on 15th February, 2017. The annual Theatre Fest was conducted on 16th February, 2017 in Diraviam Arangam. Oratorium, an Inter-Departmental Public-Speaking Forum, was inaugurated to enhance all UG and PG SF student’s speaking skill in English. Seshat, an Inter-Collegiate Literary Competitions, was conducted. A new innovative program, “Spellbinder” was introduced by the English Literary Association for the third-year students. The aim of this programme is to give them opportunity to speak on stage without fear. 34 III BA English students participated in a one-day workshop on “Communication Skills for Placement” conducted by the Research Department of American College, Madurai. Three students presented papers in the Seminar conducted in St. Joseph’s College, Trichy. Two students presented papers in a National Seminar conducted in N.M.S.S.V.N College, Madurai. One quiz competition was conducted on The Age of Shakespeare. A group of students bagged the First Prize in group dance in the Inter-Collegiate Cultural Meet conducted by Fatima College, Madurai out of 16 colleges and won Second Prize in Folk Dance in the Inter-Collegiate Cultural Meet conducted by V.H.N.S.N College, Virudunagar out of 16 colleges.

The Department of English Language and Literature organized a One-Day National Seminar on Literature of the Exiles: Cultural Depletion and Cultural Mix 13 March 2017. Mr. S. Aloysius Albert, Head, welcomed the gathering. Rev. Dr. K. Amal, SJ., the Rector, Rev. Dr. M. Albert William, SJ., the Secretary offered felicitation. The Presidential address was delivered by Rev. Dr. S. Basil Xavier, SJ., the Principal. Dr. P. Kannan, Professor and Chairman, Department of PG Studies and Reaserch in English, Karnataka State Women’s University, Vijaypur, Karnataka, delivered the Key Note Address. Dr. S. Samuel Rufus, Associate Professor of English, Madras Christian College, Chennai, gave a plenary address on the topic, The Aura of Liminal Space in Contemporary Exilic Literature. Dr. V. Christopher Ramesh, Assistant Professor of English, Govt. Arts College, Melur, Madurai delivered the second plenary speech on Diaspora Literature: The Spatial, Temporal, Spiritual and Aesthetic Dimensions of Life in Exile. Dr. S. Jesurajan, Associate Professor and Head, Arul Anandar College (Autonomous), Karumathur, was the resource person for the third plenary session. He spoke on Eclectic and Diverse Cultural Identities of the Exiles. Dr. I. Devanan, the Deputy Principal, delivered the valedictory address.

The English Literary Association organized a guest lecture to the I BA English students on 04.08.2016 (Thursday) at M. T. Hall. Mr. S. Jesurajan, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English (Shift – I), Arul Anandar College delivered a lecture on “Enrich Literature for Life.” A guest lecture on “History and Moral Values in Literature” was organized for the I BA English students on 16.08.2016 (Tuesday) at M. T. Hall. Dr. S. John Bosco, Assistant Professor of English, St. Joshep’s College, Trichy, was the resource person. Dr. M. Elangovan, Associate Professor of English, Thiagarajar College, Madurai delivered a lecture on “Shakespeare and New Historicism” for the III BA English students on 09.01.2017 at M. T. Hall.

The Department conducted a workshop on Theatre Skills Workshop to train the students who participate in the annual Theatre Fest conducted on 15th February, 2017. The annual Theatre Fest was conducted on 16th February, 2017 in Diraviam Arangam. Oratorium, an Inter-Departmental Public-Speaking Forum, was inaugurated to enhance all UG and PG SF student’s speaking skill in English. Seshat, an Inter-Collegiate Literary Competitions, was conducted. A new innovative program, “Spellbinder” was introduced by the English Literary Association for the third-year students. The aim of this programme is to give them opportunity to speak on stage without fear. 34 III BA English students participated in a one-day workshop on “Communication Skills for Placement” conducted by the Research Department of American College. Three students presented papers in the Seminar conducted in St. Joseph’s College, Trichy. Two students presented papers in a National Seminar conducted in N.M.S.S.V.N College, Madurai. One quiz competition was conducted on The Age of Shakespeare. A group of students bagged the First Prize in group dance in the Inter-Collegiate Cultural Meet conducted by Fatima College, Madurai out of 16 colleges and won Second Prize in Folk Dance in the Inter-Collegiate Cultural Meet conducted by V.H.N.S.N College, Virudunagar out of 16 colleges.

The Department started its activities with a guest lecture. Dr. A. Roselin Mary, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, Fatima College (Autonomous), Madurai - 9, delivered a lecture on American Literature: An Overview on Thursday, 27th July 2017. Parent-Teacher Meeting was conducted for all the UG students and feedback from the parents was positively entertained. Remedial Classes were conducted for the students who have arrears to help them clear those arrear papers. A workshop was conducted on 9th February, 2018 to hone the theatrical skills of the students who are participating in the annual Theatre Fest - 2018.

The annual Theatre Fest, an Inter-Departmental Drama Competition, was conducted on 16th February 2018 in Diraviam Arangam. Rev. Fr. U. Godwin Rufus SJ welcomed the gathering. The felicitations were given by Rev. Dr. K. Amal Kulandisamy, S.J. Rector, followed by Rev. Dr. S. Mani Valan, S.J. Secretary, Dr. S. Michael John Peter, Deputy Principal and Rev. Fr. S. Manuel, S.J. Coordinator. Rev. Fr. Dr. Basil Xavier, S.J. Principal, delivered the Presidential address. Dr. R. Antony Paul Gnanasekar, Former Associate Professor & Head, Department of History, Arul Anandar College, Madurai and Ms. Sarojaa V. Kumar, Assistant Professor of English, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai were invited as the special invitees to make observations and assessment of theatrical skills of the students. The Department of Commerce won the First Prize with a Rolling Trophy and the Best Actress Award was given to an actor of that department. The Department of Business Administration won the Second Prize. The third prize was won by the Department of Information Technology and Management.

The Department conducted a National Seminar on “Literatures of the Marginalised: Dreams, Voices and Challenges of the Subaltern” on Tuesday 27th February 2018. Rev. Fr. U. Godwin Rufus SJ welcomed the gathering, Rev. Dr. S. Basil Xavier SJ, Principal delivered the Presidential address, Rev. Dr. Amal Kulandaisamy SJ, Rector and Dr. S. Michael John Peter, Deputy Principal offered felicitation. Rev. Fr. Manuel SJ, Coordinator delivered vote of thanks in the inaugural function. Dr. M. Elangovan, Associate Professor of English, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, delivered the Key Note address. Dr. S. Sudha Rani, IQAC Co-ordinator and Assistant Professor of English, St. Mary’s College, Tuticorin was the resource person for the plenary session and Rev. Dr. Irudayaraj SJ, Director, LENS, Madurai addressed the participants. Around 50 participants from various colleges and universities including Professors, Research scholars and students attended and presented papers.

The Department organized Oratorium, an inter-Departmental Public Speaking Forum, on every Thursday. Each department was given a topic for the presentation. The students of Department of English Language and Literature spoke on the topic, Films are corrupting Indian Youths. The students of Department of Information Technology and Management expressed their views on the topic, “English Language in India.” The topic, “English in Business” was given to the students of the Commerce Department. The students of Physical Education Department spoke on the topic, How to live a Healthy life by doing Exercise? The topic given to the Tamil Department was Importance of Translated works “English into Tamil.” The students of the Department of Business Administration were given the topic, Know thyself. The ultimate purpose conducting this program, they have to enhance their communicative competence as well as they have to break their inhibition. It is an opportunity given to the students for their better future. A workshop specially meant for the girl students was conducted on “Montessori Teaching Jobs.” The students of won the I Prize in Saaral, an Inter-Departmental Tamil Drama competition, conducted by Tamil department of Arul Anandar College on 1st of September 2017.

The Department began its association activities with Freshers’ Day Party for the I BA English students on 27th July 2018. Various competitions were conducted for the students. Essay Writing competition was conducted on 26.09.2018. De. B. Kalidoss, Assistant Professor, was the jury. Two students, namely, A. Christy Prisiltha and K. Rithika were the Prize Winners. In Verse Writing, R. Karan, Mr. Ashwin Toppo and Henry Leonash were the Prize Winners. It was conducted on 03.10.2018 and it was moderated by Ms. L. Mestricia Mary, Assistant Professor. Henry Leonash and Ravipraksh, A. Christy Prisiltha and Dayana Jenifer Kamal, and Hari Vignesh and Mugesh Kumar won Prizes in the Literary Quiz competition conducted on 07.03.2019. Mr. I. Johnson Stephen, Assistant Professor, was the jury.

Dr. M. Elangovan, Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of English, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, delivered a guest lecture on Marxism and Literature on 08 October 2018. English Literary Association selected many students to take part at various Inter-collegiate Literary Meet conducted in other colleges, such as, ‘Olympus 2018’ at St. Xavier’s College, ‘Spectrum 2019’ at Fatima College, and Providentia 2019 at Fatima College. The students were taken to Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai to witness Shakespeare’s play, Merry Wives of Windsor.

The Department organized a One Day National Seminar on The Influence of Politics and Media in Recent Literatures after 1950s on 12 March 2019 at Diraviam Arangam. Rev. Dr. S. Paul Pragash, S.J., the Convener and Head of the Department welcomed the elite gathering and spelt the dynamics of the seminar. Rev. Dr. K. Amal, S.J., the Rector and Rev. Dr. S. Mani Valan, S.J., the Secretary offered felicitations. Rev. Dr. S. Basil Xavier, S.J., delivered the Presidential Address. Dr. A. Raja, Assistant Professor, proposed vote of thanks.

The First Plenary Session was moderated by Dr. B. Kalidoss, Assistant Professor of English. Mr. S. Annamalai, News Editor, THE HINDU National Daily, Madurai was the invited speaker. He delivered the Keynote Address on “Evolution of Media and Literature up to Current Times- A Historical Perspective”. In his address, he brought forth the nuances of media and social media. The Second Plenary Session began after tea break, which was moderated by Mr. J. Keba Immanuvel, Assistant Professor. Dr. R. Murali, Former Principal, The Madura College delivered the Key Note Address on “Influence of Politics Issues on Contemporary Literature”. Paper Presentations were arranged in satellite sessions after lunch. Assistant Professors Mr. A. Johnson Amirtharaj, Mr. M. Nallakurumban, Mr. S. Chandra Sekar Pandian, Mr. I. Johnson Stephen and Mr. M. Subash chaired the sessions.

The Department organized the annual Theatre Fest 2019, an Inter-Departmental Drama Competition on 09th February 2019. Mr. L. M. Joseph Paul Bezaleel, Assistant Professor of English, Thiagaraja College, Madurai and Dr. Kavitha, Assistant Professor of English, Sowrastra College, Madurai served as the judges. The First Prize was won by Dept. of Commerce, the second prize was secured by Department of Business Administration and the Physical Education Department bagged the Third Prize. The students of the Department of English Language and Literature gave a guest performance. The Best Male Actor award was given to Mr. Logesh of Department of BBA and the Best Female Actor award was issued to Ms. Thenmozhi of Tamil Department. Rev. Dr. S. Bazil Xavier S. J., Principal distributed the prizes for the winners.

The students of BA English won the 2nd Prize in Literary Quiz Competition, 3rd prize in News Bulletin, 2nd prize in Face Painting, 3rd prize in Literary Encounter in PROVIDENTIA conducted by Fatima College, Madruai on 12.10.2018.The students of English department won the 1st prize in Ad Act in SPECTRUM-2019 conducted by Fatima College, Madurai on 04.02.2019. Oratorium, an inter-departmental public-speaking forum, was conducted every Thursday to hone the public-speaking skills of the students.

The Department organized a special training programme for the Girl students on 07th of September 2018 at 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. in Mother Teresa Hall. Mr. D. Antony Sagayaraj, Soft Skills Trainer, and an Entrepreneur, trained the students. The purpose of the training programme was to expose the girl students towards the Montessori Method of Education and Women Empowerment.

The Department inaugurated a new healthy practice, ‘A Word A Week’, the display of a word on the notice board with meaning, along with Phonetic Transcription and usage of it in sentence, to improve the vocabulary power of the students in 2019-2020. The department offered an opportunity to upgrade the members of the Faculty and PG students of the department with knowledge by forming Readers’-Club during the Academic Year 2019-2020. Our Students participated in a seminar on “Growing gracefully with Leadership Skills” conducted by the Institute of Tamilology, Madurai in 2020. The department won the 3rd prize in Rangoli and Connection in TOTEM’ 20 Competition conducted by Mannar Thirumalai Naickar College, Madurai.

A Special Lecture was organized for the UG and PG Students on 26 February 2020. Mr. Blais Johny, Research Scholar, School of English and Foreign Languages, Gandhigram Rural Institute was invited to deliver a talk on “Film and Literature: The Visual Language of Literature on 27 February 2020. A guest lecture on the topic, Death of Books in Digital Era was organized on 27.09.2019. Dr. S. S. Kavitha, Assistant Professor of English, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, was the resource person. The students of the department participated in twenty events in the Camp Fest 2020 and bagged the overall Third Place.

The Department of English Language and Literature organized a Guest Lecture on “Exposure to Phonology” for the III U.G. and I P.G. English Literature students of our college on 12th November, 2020 at 12.20 p.m. via Google Meet. The guest lecture focused on enhancing the knowledge of the students and exposing them to the study of the way sounds function in languages and to the phonological systems. The programme commenced with the prayer in the presence of Dr. P. Veerasamy, Head, Department of English, Arul Anandar College, I. Johnson Stephen, Vice-President of English Literary Association, and all the faculty and students of the department. Prof. Savitha Pressy welcomed the gathering. Dr. J. Preethi, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jeyaraj Annapackiyam College for Women, (Autonomous), Periyakulam served as the resource person. She enabled the learners to appreciate the Orthoepy of Languages. Prof. A.J. Glory Gurseth proposed the vote of thanks. The whole event was compeered by Prof. I.Reena Roshne. Prof. Department of English, Arul Anandar College, organized the programme. Nearly 60 students of the department participated in the programme and benefitted.

The Department of English Language and Literature began its activities with a guest lecture. In order to enhance the communication skills of our students during the pandemic period, many webinars are conducted. Accordingly, the department conducted its first webinar on "Communication Skills: The Importance, The Impediments and The Innovations" on 08th June 2021, Tuesday. It was conducted via Google Meet. Mr. I. Johnson Stephen, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, gave a talk on the "Importance of Communication Skills." Dr. R. Gnanasekaran, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, spoke about "The Impediments in acquiring Communication Skills." Dr. J. Paul Jayakar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, The American College, Madurai was the resource person of the webinar. He delivered a talk on "The Innovations in Communication Skills".

Another webinar was conducted on the topic, "Cakewalk Crack of Competitive Exams: Conceptions and Counterplans" on 12 June 2021, Saturday via Google Meet. Mr. M. P. Richard, Expert - Competitive Exams, Assistant Professor, School of Service Learning, Loyola College, Chennai, the resource person. The department conducted its third webinar on "Self-Introduction: What to Say? and How to Say?" on 22 July 2021, Thursday. It was conducted via Google Meet. The fourth webinar was on "The Art of Cracking Interviews" on 28 July 2021, Wednesday through online mode. Dr. A. Raja, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, delivered a talk on the Interview techniques.

The fifth Webinar of the department was on “Body Language and Group Discussion.” Ms. K. Raja rathi, Assistant Professor, Dept of English Language and Literature was the Guest Speaker of the day. The Workshop was conducted Via Google Meet Platform. The sixth Guest Lecture was organized on “ Common Errors in English Usage” on 28.8.2021. Dr. P. Xavier, Assistant Professor, Dept of English language and Literature was the resource person of the day. He listed out some of the common mistakes committed by students in their exam answer scripts. A literary quiz programme was organized on 28.8.2021 for BA and MA English students via Google Meet. The area chosen for the quiz was: “English Literature Before Chaucer to The Age of Chaucer and the Development of Drama.” The Department of English Language and Literature & Britto English Language and Literary Association (BELLA) conducted five competitions such as Short Story writing, Collage, Short Video –Making, Verse Writing, and Pencil Drawing in view of celebrating the 75th (Diamond Jubilee Independence Day) for the students of all the departments of the college on 15 August 2021. The prize winners were given prizes and honoured with certificates.

The department conducted a special talk on “The Art of Resume Writing” on 22.09.2021 in Diraviam Arangam between 4.30 and 6.00 pm. It was an offline Programme Mr. S. Chandra Sekar Pandiyan, Assistant Professor, Dept of English Language and Literature was the Guest Speaker of the day. The department arranged the Freshers’ Day for the first year UG and PG Students on October 4, 2021. Dr. B. Kalidoss gave a Special talk on “Enrich Your Word Power” on Oct 7, 2021. He enlightened the students how to build up vocabulary power for better and effective communication. The Students of our department won the First Prize in Saaral, an Inter-Departmental Tamil Drama Competition, conducted by the Department of Tamil of Arul Anandar College on Oct 23, 2021.

The Department conducted a One –Day International Webinar on “Rereading the Theories of Postmodernism and Cultural Studies in Contemporary Contexts” on Nov 19, 2021 .Dr. A. Joseph Dorairaj, Professor of English, Dean, School of English and Foreign Languages, Gandhigram Rural Institute–Deemed to be University, Gandhigram, Dindigul and Dr. V. Madhav Prasad Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Nirvana College, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal were the Resource Persons of the day.

The Department conducted a Two-Day International Conference on “Contemporaneity of Language and Literature in the Robotized Millennium” sponsored by REST Society for research and in collaboration with Tamil Department of Arul Anandar College on 6th and 7th of Dec, 2021. Dr. B. Kalidoss was the convenor. The Department inaugurated “Oratorium” on 29th March, 2022. Mr. D. Prasanth Arockiyasamy, Assistant Professor of English, St. Joseph’s College, Trichy was the guest speaker of the day. He stressed on the importance of speaking by using modern electronic gadgets and apps. The students of the department were taken to St. Antony’s College of Arts And Science, Thamaraipadi, Dindigul to attend SACLIT FEST 2022, an Inter-Collegiate Literary Competitions on 30th of March 2022. Mrs. V. Jesinthal Mary trained the students and the students won the Second Prize in Literary Dance and III Prize in Literary Skit and Mime competitions.