
The study of particle acceleration and transport is an important topic in Astrophysics, Heliophysics and Space-weather research. On the Sun and in the heliosphere, these particles are the sources of electromagnetic emissions at different wavelengths. Starting from electrons and protons to heavier ions are accelerated during the transient activities of the dynamic Sun. Energetic particle acceleration up to several MeV (electrons) and ions up to GeV have been studied theoretically and some of the results have been explored through experimental observations and modelling. Many of the spacecraft dedicated for solar and heliospheric observations have particle detectors of wide energy range. Also, solar energetic particle (SEP) events are one of the major causes of space weather impact on space-based technological systems. Impulsive SEP events are associated with solar flare reconnection sites while the gradual SEP events are accelerated by coronal mass ejection (CME) driven shocks . Many authors have proposed that the abundance of the ambient seed particles is also a determining factor in the large peak intensity of SEP events. These seed particles are believed to be supplied by flaring material from the preceding flares or coronal material from twin-CMEs. CME-driven shocks primarily accelerate protons and heavier ions, and differential elemental compositions and charge states are produced through different acceleration processes and seed populations. CME-driven shocks, in contrast to flares, have a much larger extent in the interplanetary medium. Gradual SEP events affect the natural and artificial satellites on their way. In addition, the abundance of particles in solar events, solar wind acceleration attracted the scientists recently. Large data base of particles from the sun is available from the space-based instruments like the recently launched spacecraft ADITYA L1. It has to be analysed and studied by solar data scientists. In general, a number of questions are to be discussed with experts in this field and presented to the younger audience (college/university research scholars, post-docs and teachers) from this part of geo-sphere. Hence the symposium on particle acceleration has been planned.

Theme: Particle Acceleration and Space Weather Impacts

Astrophysical and Heliophysical Particle Acceleration

Electromagnetic Emissions from Sun

Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) and Space Weather Effects

Particle Detection in Space Missions (ADITYA L1, etc.)

CME-Driven Shocks vs. Solar Flares: Acceleration Mechanisms

Solar Wind and its effects

Recent Advances in Theoretical and Experimental Observations

Data Analysis and Modeling of Solar Events

ASI Symposium – Program Schedule

16th - 18th December 2024

Day 1 – 16th December 2024 @ARUL ANANDAR COLLEGE
Time Programme Name of the Resource Person Topic
9.150am-10:00 am Inauguration
Overview of the programme
College management, SOC members
Dr.A.Shanmugaraju, Arul Anandar College
10.00am-10:30am Review Talk 1 Dr.N.Gopalswamy, GSFC, NASA, USA Observational Signatures of Particle Energization on the Sun
10.30am-10:50am Invited Talk 1 Dr.Anshu Kumari, PRL, Ahmedabad. Theory of particle acceleration by shocks and radio bursts
10.50am-11:30am Tea Break
11.30am-1:00pm Contributed Talks
1.00pm-2:00pm Lunch Break
2.00pm-2:30pm Review Talk 2 Dr.Bhuwan Joshi, USO,PRL,Udaipur Magnetic reconnection and Acceleration of particles revealed through multi-wavelength observations
2.30pm-2:50pm Invited Talk 2 Dr.M.Shanmugam, PIDS, PRL, Ahmedabad Particle detectors for space missions
2.50pm-4.15pm Contributed Talks
4.15pm-5.00pm Tea Break / Poster Session
6.15pm-7.00pm Cultural Program
7.00pm-8.00pm Symposium Banquet
Day 2 – 17th December 2024 @ARUL ANANDAR COLLEGE
Time Programme Name of the Resource Person Topic
9.30am-9.45am Review of 1st day programme Dr.A.Shanmugaraju
9.45am-10.15am Review Talk 3 Dr.Rohith Sharma, IIT, Kanpur Particle acceleration using X-ray and radio observations
10.15am-10.35am Invited Talk 3 Dr.Ramesh Chandra, Kumaun University, Nainital Type II radio bursts and space weather phenomena
10.35am-11.35am Tea Break & Poster Session
11.35am-1.00pm Contributed Talks
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch Break
2.00pm-2.30pm Review Talk 4 Dr.Sasikumar Raja, IIA, Bangalore Properties of energetic electrons inferred from solar radio bursts
2.30pm-2.50pm Invited Talk 4 Dr.Arunbabu, Cochin University of Science & Tech, Kerala Forbush Decreases
2.50pm-4.00pm Contributed Talks
4.00pm-4.45pm Tea break & Poster
5.00pm-5.30pm Closing session College management, SOC members
Day 3 – 18th December 2024
Time Programme
All Day Kodaikanal Observatory Visit for interested participants (on extra payment)

ASI Symposium – List of Speakers

As given in the schedule


Abstract submission:

Submit the abstract through the registration form ( Reg link: )

Abstract Format:

Abstract title followed by authors and their address, email

Font: Times New Roman, Font size - 12, Single line spacing,

Should be submitted in MsWord Format

Eligibility to submit the abstract:

Researchers across India are invited to submit abstracts in the prescribed format related to the theme of the symposium. Apart from 6-8 invited talks, a set of contributed talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts related to the theme of the symposium. The remaining accepted abstracts will be presented as poster papers


Support for Ph.D. students: A limited fund is available for research scholars for their registration/travel/accommodation. Based on the decision of SOC, this support may be provided based on the request from the scholars via email to the convenor( ).

Who can attend: College/University/Research Organization research scholars, post-docs and teachers in India

Last date for application for support: 30.10.2024

Event Registration

Registration Fee: Rs. 2000/-

Please choose one of the registration options below:

Register Here

Important Dates

Travel and Accommodation

Arul Anandar College is located nearly 20 km away from Madurai city

To facilitate easy transport, we arranged a pickup vehicle from Kalavasal (~1km from Madurai Railway station)

The Hostel facilities are limited. It can accommodate around 20 Research scholars at a cost of Rs.500 per day. Scholars can send a request through email to convenor for free accommodation.

Hotel List

Near Madurai Railway station (~ 22km to college)

Mani's residency

Hotel YMCA - Near Meenakshi Amman Temple Madurai

The Grand Sabarees

Hotel New College House

Cosmopolitan Hotels

Hotel Supreme

Weshtern Park hotel

Near Madurai Kalavasal (~ 20km to college)

Hotel Germanus

Hotel Jeyasakthi

Hotel Ramtel Inn