Youth Red Cross (YRC)


Young Swiss businessman, Jean Henry Dunant was appalled by the condition of the wounded soldiers he happened to see in the battle field of Solferino , Italy in 1859 during the Franco - Austrian war. He arranged relief services with the help of the local community immediately.

He wrote the book 'Memory of Solferino' suggesting that a neutral organization be established to aid the wounded soldiers in times of war. Just a year after the release of this book, an international conference was convened in Geneva to consider the suggestions of Henry Dunant and thus the Red Cross Movement was born. International Red Cross Movement was established by Geneva Convention of 1864. The name and the emblem of the movement are derived from the reversal of the Swiss national flag, to honor the country in which Red Cross was found.

During the First World War in 1914, India had no organization for relief services to the affected soldiers, except a branch of the St. John Ambulance Association and by a Joint Committee of the British Red Cross. Later, a branch of the same Committee was started to undertake the much needed relief services in collaboration with the St. John Ambulance Association in aid of the soldiers as well as civilian sufferers of the horrors of that Great War. A bill to constitute the Indian Red Cross Society, Independent of the British Red Cross, was introduced in the Indian Legislative Council on 3rd March 1920 by Sir Claude Hill, member of the Viceroy's Executive Council who was also Chairman of the Joint war Committee in India. The Bill was passed on 17th March 1920 and became Act XV of 1920 with the assent of the Governor General on the 20th March 1920.

On 7th June 1920, fifty members were formally nominated to constitute the Indian Red Cross Society and the first Managing Body was elected from among them with Sir Malcolm Hailey as Chairman.

Indian Red Cross Society is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Relations between the IRCS and the India Delegation of the Federation are strong.

Indian Red Cross Society has partnership with National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, St.John Ambulance, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC ), Multinational firms. Individuals and others in supporting IRCS activities. It also coordinates with Indian Government and other agencies ( UNDP, WHO etc )

The Indian Red Cross is a voluntary humanitarian organization having a network of over 1100 branches throughout the country, providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promotes health & care of the vulnerable people and communities. It is a leading member of the largest independent humanitarian organization in the world, the International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement. The movement has three main components, the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), 192 National Societies and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) was established in 1920 under the Indian Red Cross Society Act and incorporated under Parliament Act XV of 1920. The act was last amended in 1992 and of rules was formed in 1994.

The IRCS has 36 State / Union Territories Branches with their more than 1100 districts and sub district branches.

Honorable President of India is the President and Hon'ble Union Health Minister is the Chairman of the Society.

The Vice Chairman is elected by the members of the Managing Body.

The National Managing Body consists of 19 members.

The Chairman and 6 members are nominated by the President. The remaining 12 are elected by the state and union territory branches through an electoral college.

The Managing Body is responsible for governance and supervision of the functions of the society through a number of committees.

The Secretary General is the Chief Executive of the Society.

Red Cross on a white background is the Emblem of Red Cross, recognized in 1864 as the distinctive sign for medical relief teams on the battle field.

In the Russo-Turkish war the Ottoman empire used a Red Crescent in place of the Red Cross. Egypt too opted for the Red Crescent while Persia chose a Red Lion on a white background. These symbols were written and accepted into the 1929 Geneva Conventions. The IRCS adopted RED CROSS as its emblem.

The National Society make use of the emblem as an indicative device in peacetime and during armed conflicts within the limits stipulated in national legislation, the regulations and its statutes only for activities consistent with the principles set out by International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

During the General Assembly and the council of Delegates in November 2005 at Geneva, Red Crystal has been adopted as another emblem for the Red Cross Red Crescent movement.

To enhance the understanding about the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement & its Fundamental Principles and promote peace and harmony among the youth and the selected communities.

To strengthen the capacity of the YRC in the area of Hygiene Promotion, Household Water Treatment, Basic First Aid and Promoting Peace and harmony.

To contribute towards increasing the awareness of and behavioral changes in the selected communities on Hygiene Promotion, Household Water Treatment and basic First Aid.

"Youth Red Cross" is one of the wings of Indian Red Cross Society. It is a movement that organized at the college level. This is for students between 18 and 25 years of age. A qualified Lecturer is recognized as the leader. He is called the Programme Officer under whose guidance, the students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group, electing their own Office-Bearers.

To impart value based education to students in order to face the global competition and to empower them to the new era of technology.

The Mission of the Indian Red Cross is to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times all forms of humanitarian activities so that human suffering can be minimized and even prevented and thus contribute to creating more congenial climate for peace.

To disseminate engineering education and

To strengthen the highly effective and innovative technocratic women of our nation.




Orientation Programme to newly admitted students about YRC

Grant Parents Day and Anti Liquor Signature Campaign

First Aid & Fire Safety Training

Old age Home Visit

Geneva Convention Day

Celebration of National Days

S.No.DateNameEventDocument UnitLegal Aid to the victims of accidentInvitation UnitFirst Aid TrainingInvitation UnitGolden Hour of Life Saving MissionInvitation
S.No.DateNameEventDocument KumarBlood Donation, Vadamalayan Blood Bank, MaduraiLetter of Appreciation P. Ajin RajBlood Donation, Govt. HQ Hospital, UsilampattiCertificate T. Joshuva and Mr. M. Ashok Blood Donation, Govt. Hospital UsilampattiLetter of Appreciation J MurugananthamOne day seminar on Global Warming and Observation of the 150th Anniversary of SalaforinoParticipation Certificate G. StephyOne day seminar on Global Warming and Observation of the 150th Anniversary of SalaforinoParticipation Certificate for Aids Awareness programmePaper Cutting G. StephyAids Awareness Programme - Indian Red Cross Society Merit Certificate to 08.10.2009Unit Aids Awareness Programme Invitation P. PradeepBlood Donation,Tamil Nadu State Aids Control SocietyAppreciation Certificate P. Ajin Raj and Mr. M. Ashok Blood Donation,Govt. Rajaji Hospital, MaduraiCertificate Donation - 60 unitsAppreciation certificate Aid Training Programme , St. John Ambulance, ThirumangalamCommunication M. AshokBlood Donation at Govt. Hospital, MaduraiAppreciation Certificate
S.No.DateNameEventDocument Lecture on "Organ Donation" at Arul Anandar CollegeNotice visit at AzhagusiraiCommunication K.S. Joseph WilsonThe National Blood Donor's Day at Meenakshi Mission HospitalParticipation Certificate Donation Camp, Meenakshi Mission HospitalCertificate Aid Training Programme at Arul Anandar CollegeCommunication
6. UnitBlood Donation Camp at Indiana Red Cross Society, MaduraiAppreciation Certificate
S.No.DateNameEventDocument First MeetingReport + Photo day camp at Mercy Home at MaduraiReport + Photo day First Aid Training ProgrammeReport + Photo day programme on Human RightsReport of NationalReport Programme on Consumer and Fundamental RightsReport + Photo Donation Camp - 50 volunteersReport + Photo
»  Youth Red Cross unit of Arul Anandar College, Karumathur conducted an "Aids awareness programme" on 10th August 2012 with the help of TANSACS-IRCS, Madurai.
»  The inauguration of the YRC association activities of Arul Anandar College, Karumathur and Celebration of Geneva Convention Day were held on 22nd August 2012. Dr.George Joseph, Associate Prof. in Philosophy delivered a guest lecture on Geneva Convention.
»  The Youth Red Cross unit of Arul Anandar College conducted first-aid training programme on 11th September 2012 with the collaboration of St.John Ambulance, Madurai for all the first year YRC students of both shift I and shift II.
»  Nearly 50 students of YRC volunteers of Arul Anandar College visited Mercy Home at Alagusirai near Karumathur on 19th September 2012 as a one day camp activity. They rendered their services to clean the home and to entertain the orphans.
»  The Youth Red Cross unit of Arul Anandar College conducted an orientation programme on "Mental Health and Happiness" on 6th October 2012 for all the first year YRC students of both shift I and shift II. Dr.Jeyanthi, Assistant Prof. in Philosophy delivered a guest lecture on the above topic.
»  Youth Welfare Department of M.K.University with the help of Youth Red Cross unit of Arul Anandar college organized a three day "University Level Training cum Study Camp" at Arul Anandar College from 10th to 12th January 2013. DR.Mrs.Kalyani Mathivanan, Vice Chancellor of M.K.University inaugurated this training programme for YRC volunteers. Nearly 150 YRC students attended this programme.
»  Nearly 50 YRC students from both shift I and II attended the "University Level Training cum Study Camp" conducted by M.K.University at Arul Anandar College from 10th to 12th January 2013.
»  YRC and ARISE jointly planned to organize a "Dental Medical Camp" at AAC on 1st March 2013.
»  31.8.2013 - Welcome function to the new volunteers
»  10.9.2013 - Guest lecture on "Health and Hygiene"
»  21.9.2013 - First aid training
»  25.11.2013 - Blood donation camp
»  10.12.2013 - Participation in Human chain
»  11.12.2013 - Guest lecture on "Indian Red Cross Society"
»  25.08.2016 - YogaTraining Programme for II year YRC students
»  06.10.2016 -Orientation Programme for I year YRC students
»  07.10.2016 - Geneva Convention day Programme for II year YRC students
»  Orientation Programme for I year YRC Volunteers of Shift I and Shift II on 29th August 2019 in Mother Teresa Hall. Dr. Shanmuga Raju Assistant Professor of Department of Physics was the invitee.
»  Organized one day 'First Aid Training Program' on 5th September 2019 in association with Devadas Hospital in Madurai.
»  In the regard of world Environmental Day, the YRC Unit of Arul Anandar College, Karumathur planted herbal and Fruit tree saplings in primary health centre, chellampatti on 5th October 2019.
»  One day cleaning work at Samanar Malai, Nagamalai Pudukottai, on 17th December 2019. Nearly 60 YRC Volunteers were participated in the cleaning work.
»  Youth Red Cross, on its 100th successful year, organised a bicycle rally across Tamilnadu on 11th February 2020. It was a wonderful opportunity for the volunteers of YRC, Arul Anandar College, to take part in the rally.
»  Organized a guest lecture on Netaji's lifestyle on 21st February 2020. Mr. Voltaire was a special guest at the event.
1. Mr. James A Coordinator
2. Mr. Ratheesh A Member
3. Mr. Albert Irudayaraj J Member
4. Dr. Manimegala S Member
5. Ms. Buvaneswari V Member