Philosophy: love of wisdom is the conscientious choice of right thinking, right perspective and right living. For all religions, wisdom is with God, emanates from God, and sustains in the world to enlighten the souls to the realisation of God. Secular minds identify wisdom with goodness, and consider as the source of good will as well as of common good.
All are not right if wisdom falls and becomes instruments of manipulation and exploitation. Revelatory character of wisdom continues but revealing hidden lies coated with petty truths. The ideologues' expressions mislead the victims of loss on behalf of gainers. At the decay of dharma, wisdom shoulders critical and prophetic responsibilities of correcting philosophical prejudices, religious aberrations, psychological perversions, socio-political deviations and economic indulgences.
Philosophy is comprehensive linking one with the other. In a complex and compartmentalised world, philosophy creates an attitude of interconnectedness. The ancient wisdom of unity in diversity has to find its scientific applications in peace making and ecological rejuvenation. The Department of Philosophy of Arul Anandar College invites the aspirants of wisdom to learn an approach of integration and inculcate an attitude of inclusiveness. Welcome!